HELEH Awards 2018

HELEH Awards 2018

Grab your copy of my inspirational book now!

Walking Through The Parted Red Sea

We are spiritually-created beings  made to rely on God. That is His nature for  us.  He is there to be  an answer to the conflicts inour liv...

We are spiritually-created beings  made to rely on God. That is His nature for  us.  He is there to be  an answer to the conflicts inour lives. We are made to carry out  nothing without Him.

But God's help towards materializing our purpose makes a turnaround to become our  own ability to rise up and  build!

In Exodus  14:15, as Israel was  standing at the foot of the Red  Sea with the enemy right  on their tail, Moses cried out to  God.  God then says to Moses,  “Why are you standing there  looking tome? I have told you, everything you need is in your hand. Go forward; stop standing around – get busy. Raise your  arm. Take what is in your hand  and stretch it out in front of you.”

It is God's promise to part the Red Sea in your life.  However, it is your duty to walk through  it  –  on your own. 

You will not be walking in someone else's footprints; you  will be making your own. You  may be leaving footprints where  they may have never been seen  before. 

Go ahead and move forward. Everything you need is in your own hand.  Just like the rod in Moses' hand, God has supplied you with all you need.  Coordinate your spiritual vision with your destiny.

Now, stretch  out!

Point your God-given rod in the direction of your overwhelming Red Sea and it will part. Then, make that conscious effort to walk through it will all your faith and strength.

Click to read the complete inspiration here

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